Fear and Confidence Workshop

Our fear and confidence workshop has been developed in order to help riders overcome their nerves and anxieties in mountain biking (and potentially beyond). The workshop starts with an on-bike session ensuring riders have a solid foundation of skills that they can rely on and trust in when things get hectic on the trail. The classroom portion of the day kicks off with looking at the skills pyramid and identifying areas for personal improvement. We look at the learning zone vs the perceived learning zone, comfort zones and how to improve while working within your comfort zone.

We then look at tackling features we are fearful or anxious about – why the fear is there, what it is trying to tell us, how to work with it instead of fighting against it. You will learn how to be more analytical in your approach to features, how to use visualization and ‘feel visualization‘ and other techniques to calm your brain so you can ride features calmly and confidently. We look at the two parts of the brain, which one is in charge when we ride, which one should be in charge when we ride, and how to switch these around to allow us to get into flow mode.

Our workshops run from 11.30am to 4pm in Castlecomer Discovery Park. Tea, coffee and biscuits are provided. Bikes are available if needed and you will receive a workbook full of exercises and hints and tips to take home with you. You can see upcoming dates and book below.